Event Name: Santa Goes to Space
When: December 7th, 2024  to December 7th, 2024
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Strategic Air and Space Museum
Ashland, NE
General Information: escorting Santa and Mrs. Claus, interacting with attendees photo opps
Event Coordinator: TK-15739 - Jason Ready
Garrison Attendees: TR-00750 - John Jaeckel as Praetorian Guard
TS-02235 - Tom Rohlf as Snowtrooper
TR-03443 - Matt Severa as Praetorian Guard
BH-05107 - Jason Schuett as Greedo
NC-05384 - Julie Popham as Non-costumed handler
TS-05579 - Jesse Cain as Snowtrooper
NO-06129 - Chris Popham as Non-501st Armor
NC-07924 - Tricia Schuett as Non-costumed handler
SL-09160 - Robert Carmichael as Darth Vader
NO-10166 - Thomas Schwartz as Non-501st Armor
NO-10292 - Stephen Baxter as Non-501st Armor
NC-10435 - Mark Wegener as Non-costumed handler
CX-10991 - Christopher Speer as Echo - Bad Batch
SL-14588 - Roxanne Baxter as Visas Marr
TK-15739 - Jason Ready as Stormtrooper
NO-18620 - Reid Christensen as Non-501st Armor
CC-19262 - Chris Sikora as CC: Kamino Security
TI-21883 - Katrina Hosley as Tie Pilot: Reserve Pilot
RC-29865 - Tanner Eisentrager as Republic Commando: Scorch
NC-31496 - Robyn Ready as Non-costumed handler
SL-31580 - John Piernicky as Emperor Palpatine
NO-39150 - Michelle Petty as Non-501st Armor
IS-42710 - Kyle Klemme as AT-ST Driver
TI-64683 - Ian Buck as Tie Pilot: Reserve Pilot
TB-65712 - Jeffrey Wittman as Biker Scout
DZ-66098 - Alec Shinever as Tusken Raider
TK-66144 - John Wilson as Stormtrooper
TB-79173 - Krieg Ready as Biker Scout
NO-91986 - Cody Templeton as Non-501st Armor
TS-92576 - Joe Connolley as Snowtrooper