Event Name: Santa Goes to Space
When: December 7th, 2019  to December 7th, 2019
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Where: Strategic Air and Space Museum
Ashland, NE
General Information: Escorting Santa and showing the holiday spirit as only the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion can!
Event Coordinator: TK-00750 - John Jaeckel
Garrison Attendees: TR-00750 - John Jaeckel as Praetorian Guard
TR-03443 - Matt Severa as Praetorian Guard
BH-05107 - Jason Schuett as Greedo
TS-05579 - Jesse Cain as Snowtrooper
TI-07924 - Tricia Schuett as TIE Pilot
TK-09029 - Tim Post as Stormtrooper
TK-09160 - Robert Carmichael as Stormtrooper
TK-10435 - Mark Wegener as Stormtrooper
TK-11807 - Scott Schippers as Stormtrooper
ID-11979 - Neal Allen as Staff Officer (Black Uniform)
BH-12170 - Eric Richardson as Jango Fett
TI-12230 - Stephen Townsend as TIE Pilot: Original Trilogy
TK-16050 - Ed Richardson as Stormtrooper
TI-17111 - James LaGreca as TIE Pilot
NO-18620 - Reid Christensen as Non-501st Armor
TK-19262 - Chris Sikora as Stormtrooper: First Order
NC-19910 - Kelly Schultze as Non-costumed handler
SL-31060 - James Schultze as Darth Vader
SL-31072 - Mike Taylor as Darth Maul
TK-32592 - Matthew Partusch as Stormtrooper
DZ-39909 - Rebecca Schippers as Jawa
NO-42054 - Joshua Trout as Non-501st Armor
TI-42710 - Kyle Klemme as TIE Pilot
TD-44707 - Mark White as Sandtrooper
TB-51055 - Aimee Severa as Biker Scout
SL-51900 - David Kia as Darth Vader
NO-58078 - Adam Basye as Non-501st Armor
TI-64700 - Jeremy Hike as TIE Pilot
NO-68486 - Lindsey Trout as Non-501st Armor
NO-70188 - Afton Palmer as Non-501st Armor