Event Name: | KIDSFEST - Fundraiser for CFIOWA |
When: |
March 3rd, 2018 to February 4th, 2018 12:00 AM to NONE |
Where: |
Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA |
General Information: | Central garrison will be interacting with fans and posing for photos. |
Event Coordinator: | SL-01576 - Dave Mondo |
Garrison Attendees: |
SL-01576 - Dave Mondo as Darth Vader TI-02235 - Tom Rohlf as TIE Pilot TB-03767 - Matt Morgan as Biker Scout ID-05815 - Jeff Firch as Staff Officer (Black Uniform) TA-11869 - Arthur Smith as Assault Tank Driver TI-12230 - Stephen Townsend as TIE Pilot TK-62888 - Jordan Aggen as Stormtrooper |