Twitter Your First Name * Your Last Name * Your City * Your State * IA NE ND SD Are you age 18 or older? * Yes No Do you have a movie-accurate Imperial costume? * Yes No What era of costumes are you interested in owning? (You may check more than one) Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I, II, and II) Classic Trilogy (Episodes IV, V, and VI) Sequel Trilogy (Episodes VII, VIII, and IX) Television Series (Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, etc.) What costumes do you own, or are you interested in owning? (You may check more than one) * Stormtrooper (Classic Trilogy or Sequel Trilogy) Clone Trooper (Episode II or III, Clone Wars) Sith Lord (Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, etc.) TIE Pilot Biker Scout Imperial Officer Bounty Hunter (Boba Fett, Bossk, Cad Bane, etc.) Royal Guard Alien Creature (Sandpeople, Jawa, Cantina Band, etc) Other Are you a member of, or interested in any of our sister organizations? (You may check more than one) Rebel Legion Mandalorian Mercs Dark Empire Saber Guild R2 Builders Are you currently working with or being mentored by a garrison member? Yes No If so, whom? Your E-Mail Address * Please tell us a little more about yourself