Event Name: | J-S Middle School Music Program |
When: |
November 16th, 2010 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM |
Where: |
Jefferson-Scranton Middle School Jefferson, IA |
General Information: |
The Central Garrison has been invited to participate in the Jefferson-Scranton Middle School Music Program. The event will feature music from The Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of the Sith. Troopers will enter during the performance of the Star Wars songs, with possible photo-ops after the performance. |
Event Coordinator: | SL-01576 - Dave Mondo |
Garrison Attendees: |
SL-01576 - Dave Mondo as Darth Vader LN-02235 - Tom Rohlf as Special Assignment Armor TK-02489 - Rodger Schwabe as Stormtrooper TK-02765 - Angie Pedersen as Stormtrooper TB-03767 - Matt Morgan as Biker Scout NO-05144 - Derek Duncan as Non-501st Armor |