Event Name: Twin Cities Con
When: November 3rd, 2023  to November 5th, 2023
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Where: Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
General Information:
Event Coordinator: - -
Garrison Attendees: TI-02235 - Tom Rohlf as TIE Pilot
NO-05384 - Julie Popham as Non-501st Armor
TI-06129 - Chris Popham as TIE Pilot
TK-15412 - Jonathan Schmit as Stormtrooper
DZ-21883 - Katrina Hosley as Offworld Jawa
SL-44515 - Douglas Smith IV as Darth Vader
CT-52043 - Tim Finley as CloneTrooper (TCW)(P2):ShockTr
SL-56757 - Nathan Quick as Darth Nihilus: COTF