Event Name: Make-A-Wish Birthday for Derek
When: April 17th, 2023
6:00 AM to 6:30 AM
Where: Living Hope Community Church
Tea, SD
General Information: Meet at Living Hope Community Church, 305 E Brian St, Tea, SD
Derek’s mom Jennie or Dad Mike will meet you there to let you in, I’ll also be there
Once ready, walk to the family’s home.
Once there, can ring the bell
Event Coordinator: AR-03402 - Rob Keisacker
Garrison Attendees: TK-02157 - Jamie Ladonski as Stormtrooper
AR-03402 - Rob Keisacker as ARC Trooper
SL-04463 - Kory Willard as Darth Vader
BH-31002 - Nicole Keisacker as Boushh
TB-56216 - Doug Runde as Biker Scout