Event Name: SHARP Race Towards Brain Aneurysm Awareness
When: September 15th, 2019
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Where: Werner Park
Papillon, NE
General Information: This is an Event we have been part of for several years. We will be providing photo ops and interacting with the crowd.
Event Coordinator: TI-42054 - Joshua Trout
Garrison Attendees: TR-00750 - John Jaeckel as Praetorian Guard
TR-03443 - Matt Severa as Praetorian Guard
ID-09160 - Robert Carmichael as Staff Officer (Black Uniform)
TK-11807 - Scott Schippers as Stormtrooper
CC-19262 - Chris Sikora as CC: Kamino Security
TA-31072 - Mike Taylor as Assault Tank Driver
DZ-39909 - Rebecca Schippers as Jawa
TI-42054 - Joshua Trout as TIE Pilot
NO-68486 - Lindsey Trout as Non-501st Armor