Event Name: | NETWAR 37.0 |
When: |
September 7th, 2019 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM |
Where: |
Baxter Arena Omaha, NE |
General Information: | We will be providing photo opportunities and interacting with those in attendance. The event proceeds help support University of Nebraska Medical Center furnish GO Karts. GO Karts are portable, medical-grade video game kiosks that enable hospital staff to easily provide bedside recreation to hospitalized children who are unable to leave their rooms. |
Event Coordinator: | TI-42054 - Joshua Trout |
Garrison Attendees: |
TR-00750 - John Jaeckel as Praetorian Guard TR-03443 - Matt Severa as Praetorian Guard ST-09160 - Robert Carmichael as Shoretrooper SL-18620 - Reid Christensen as Darth Revan TI-42054 - Joshua Trout as TIE Pilot TD-44707 - Mark White as Sandtrooper TK-76327 - Ben DeVries as Stormtrooper |