Event Name: NerdinOut Con
When: September 8th, 2018
Where: Graham Arena/Fairgrounds
Rochester, MN
General Information: Central garrison will be running a table at the convention, interacting with fans, answering questions and posing for photos.
Event Coordinator: DZ-12247 - Jennifer Schubert
Garrison Attendees: NC-05384 - Julie Popham as Non-costumed handler
NC-06129 - Chris Popham as Non-costumed handler
TK-11972 - Jeremy Horn as Stormtrooper
ID-12247 - Jennifer Schubert as Imperial Officer
TI-27456 - Jonathan Butler as TIE Pilot: 181st
SL-44515 - Douglas Smith IV as Darth Vader
TK-52108 - Kelly O'Laughlin as Stormtrooper
IN-65000 - Robert Schubert as Imperial Navy Trooper: Dress U