Event Name: Solo Release Day 1
When: May 24th, 2018
Where: Flix Brewhouse
Des Moines, IA
General Information: Central garrison will be interacting with fans and posing for photos.
Event Coordinator: CC-12230 - Stephen Townsend
Garrison Attendees: ID-05815 - Jeff Firch as Staff Officer (Black Uniform)
NO-11869 - Arthur Smith as Non-501st Armor
TI-12230 - Stephen Townsend as TIE Pilot: Original Trilogy
TK-12817 - Erin Ball as Stormtrooper: Legacy Era Femal
TK-42415 - Stephen Ball as Stormtrooper
IG-50265 - Brad Feingold as Imperial Gunner
DS-91986 - Cody Templeton as Kylo Ren