Event Name: iMagicon 2018
When: April 27th, 2018  to April 29th, 2018
Where: Holiday Inn Riverside
Minot, ND
General Information: Central garrison will be posing for photos and interacting with fans.
Event Coordinator: SL-82082 - Kristopher Heid
Garrison Attendees: BH-03420 - Damian Woelfel as Boba Fett
TI-10574 - Todd Sheppard as Tie Pilot: Reserve Pilot
TK-18594 - Chris Reid as Stormtrooper ANH (Stunt)
ID-19701 - Jamie Reid as Officer: Line Officer, (Olive
TK-41879 - Erik Powell as Stormtrooper
TS-56757 - Nathan Quick as Snowtrooper
DZ-80396 - Richard Carman as Tusken Raider
SL-82082 - Kristopher Heid as Darth Revan
DZ-91414 - Joshua Rhoads as Jawa