Event Name: Children and Families of Iowa Kidsfest
When: March 4th, 2017  to March 5th, 2017
Where: Iowa State Fairgrounds
Des Moines, IA
General Information:
Event Coordinator: SL-01576 - Dave Mondo
Garrison Attendees: SL-01576 - Dave Mondo as Darth Vader
TI-02235 - Tom Rohlf as TIE Pilot
ID-05815 - Jeff Firch as Staff Officer (Black Uniform)
IC-06205 - Joe Knapp as Imperial Crewman
TD-11869 - Arthur Smith as Sandtrooper
TI-12230 - Stephen Townsend as Tie Pilot: Reserve Pilot
TK-50613 - Matthew McSweeney as Stormtrooper