Event Name: Polka Days Festival 2008
When: July 19th, 2008
1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Seaforth, MN
General Information: The Central Garrison has been invited back to the Seaforth Polka Fest. This will be the garrisons second year attending this festival which will last two days. Local trooper Damian Woelfel will be coordinating the attack. Trooping will commence at 1:30PM on July 19th.
Event Coordinator: BH-03420 - Damian Woelfel
Garrison Attendees: SL-01375 - Jason Neurath as Darth Maul
BH-03420 - Damian Woelfel as Boba Fett
TK-05107 - Jason Schuett as Stormtrooper