Event Name: ACME Comics Micro-Con with Peter Mayhew - Media Coverage
When: June 20th, 2008
Where: ACME Comics
Sioux City, IA
General Information: The Central Garrison and Imperial 80th Squad have been asked to lend a hand at Garrison and Squad member Kevin McGarry's shop in Sioux City. Acme comics will be hosting Chewbacca himself, Peter Mayhew. The troopers will be holding and Imperial Training Academy for the kids. Activities will include raffles, trivia, lightsaber training, vendor booths, face painting, and many other activities.
Event Coordinator: TX-03966 - Kevin McGarry
Garrison Attendees: TB-00750 - John Jaeckel as Biker Scout
TK-09420 - Casey Slack as Stormtrooper
TK-09772 - Christopher Andrews as Stormtrooper