Event Name: Halloween Family night at Paypal
When: October 23rd, 2014
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Paypal Building 1
Omaha, NE
General Information: Venue address: 12312 Port Grace Blvd
LaVista, Nebraska

Trick or Treating and photo ops with the employees and their families. We will have changing rooms and beverages as well as snacks (as requested) for the volunteers (if they have to rush over from work to change, we can provide a decent meal). Hanging out in our decorated area (STAR WARS theme) and interact as well as pose for photos. The event lasts 2-3 hours. Ours was the most popular area last year out of both buildings.
Event Coordinator: BH-47074 - Colin Oestreich
Garrison Attendees: NO-01375 - Jason Neurath as Non-501st Armor
ID-09238 - Rachel Neurath as Staff Officer (Black Uniform)
TR-13927 - Mike Donovan as Royal Guard
TK-17111 - James LaGreca as Stormtrooper
DZ-33300 - Christian Mercado as Tusken Raider
BH-47074 - Colin Oestreich as Boba Fett
NO-58078 - Adam Basye as Non-501st Armor
SL-62301 - Classified (Private) as Darth Vader